Friday, July 13, 2007

The Plight of the Children

Why do you weep, my child, my son
what brings the tear to your eye
when all is yours within your reach
that should not make you cry

I’ve given you health and happiness
and wealth beyond the fold
I’ve given you all you could wish for
I’ve given you a voice of gold

I’ve given you a stage from which to speak
though it cannot be done in a day
yours is the passion and the dream
they'll help to light your way

yours is the future to make what you will
the dice you’ve already rolled
now it’s up to you to gird your loins
and run with the number you hold

Take heed, my son, the way is long
so rough, with thorns, so wild
but in the end you shall prevail
trust Me now, my child

why do you weep, my child, my son
what brings that tear to your eye
you are My soldier here on earth
you are My samurai


Clay, dear, this is just a reminder. You are here for a greater purpose than that of entertainer. We, your avid fans were aware of it, I believe, even before you were. Gladys Knight saw immediately what we had seen the first time you appeared on our television sets.

But surely by now you, too, are aware that you are being led. At each turn it seems as if it were somehow meant to happen that way, and it always leads to another turn, and another.

We don't expect you not to hurt for those the world ignores, indeed, if you did not, you would not be the man you are. We would not be your fans, and I would not be writing this.

But you are who you are, and we shall stand and fight with you for as long as you need us. This was promised to you just before the finals night of American Idol. It stands as true today as it did then.

So cry for you must, be angry if you will - but do know this - we know it will take you some time yet to reach superstar status - yet this is where you need to go - and you know why.

Because North America, for some reason, insists on making royalty out of the top dogs in the entertainment industry. These people, the entertainment giants are who are listened to, and you know it. So bide your time, work hard, get that mega CD going - the one you need - and when you are on top, they will listen.

Until then you will cry and you will be angry. But remember, please - this entire scenario is greater than all of us. There's a Plan out there. Go where it takes you, for Someone is truly in charge here.


Rose said...

Nageea, I love your site and will
look forward to coming here to read
your latest blogs. You know I love
your essays and all you write.
The Poem "The Plight of the
Children" brought tears, as many
of your essays have.
I am so glad you have started this
site. Keep up the wonderful writing
I will be checking often.

Anonymous said...

Love your writing. You have such a dry way of expressing humor that I really enjoy. And you have a gift for the profound. Thanks for giving me the link to your blog!

~ CbA

nageea said...

Thank you Rose! That's so nice of you to say so!!!

And CbA !!! You came !!! Glad you like this blog thing I'm trying out. Now will you please email me and give me some more ideas!!! :)